
Books and Book Chapters:

“A Human-Computer Interaction Approach to Medical Explainable AI (XAI)” – Co-author in: *Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Medical Data Analytics and Healthcare Applications*, edited by Naik G., Springer (to be published end of 2024).

“Sankey Diagram Reloaded: Innovative Anwendungsszenarien für einen Chartklassiker” – In: *Angewandte Data Science*, edited by Blum L., Springer Vieweg (2023).

Editor of the volume *Angewandte Data Science – Projekte | Methoden | Prozesse*, Springer Vieweg (2023) –

Von der Tabellenkalkulation zur assistenzgestützten visuellen Analyse” – Article in: *Qualität und Data Science in der Marktforschung*, edited by Keller et al., Springer Gabler (2018).

Other Publications:

Blog posts on empirical design research, casually published articles by me and Prof. Dr. Thomas Wirth (2011 – 2019) –

“User Behaviour in Searching for Emails and Contacts” – Internal study analysing and optimising the Smart Client of Deutsche Vermögensberatung, Frankfurt a.M. (2011).

“User Feedback auf die Webapplikation Postfinder” – Internal study on user experience and usability of postal location searches, Deutsche Post, Bonn (2009).

Interview on website design titled “GFT Technologies – die Bank im Netz”, in Schweizer, P.: *Handbuch des Webdesigns* (2003).

“smartblox Screen Layout Konzept”, Whitepaper, GFT Technologies AG, St. Georgen (2003).

Awards and Recognitions:

Deutsche Post won the World Mail Award in the Retail Customer Access category in 2014 for the web application “Postfinder” with the user guidance and feedback mechanisms I designed.

Alcantara Design Competition, 1993: 2nd prize in the “Structure” category for the design “See me, feel me, touch me”.

Design Competition Blaupunkt Basics, 1992: Award for the product concept and interface study “WalkPhone”.


“Data meet Story – Konzeption und Beispiele des Data Storytelling” (Online), Digital Business University of Applied Sciences, Berlin (Aug 2024).

“Machine Intelligence & Human Factors in Medical Applications” with Prof. Dr. Anne Schwerk, research meeting “Applied Machine Intelligence 24”, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Dagstuhl (June 2024).

“User Research Meets Artificial Intelligence”, Workshop on Explainable and Interpretable AI/ML, Fraunhofer ITWM / IESE & DFKI, Kaiserslautern (Nov 2023).

“Was UX-Forschung zu xAI beitragen kann”, project meeting “Applications of Formal Sciences”, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Dagstuhl (March 2021).

“Modelle und Modellierungsprozesse im UX-Design”, colloquium of the Ontology Circle Darmstadt (2019).

“Data Meet Story – Design und Beispiele interaktiven Storytellings” (German), Data Science Darmstadt Meetup (2019).

“Vocational Education and the Dual Study Education”, Chinesisch-Deutsche Industriekonferenz (Shaoxing, 2019)

“Design zwischen Ästhetik und Information”, Berufsakademie Mosbach (2003).